The first fundamental goal is to practically develop the basic principles of the CERV program with a group of young people from the three sister cities and implement them in activity packages. Based on this, the culture of memory of the Second World War must be taken as a starting point. The progress made so far in mutual respect and understanding between people in Europe is certainly to be welcomed, but it also needs to be actively defended and further developed.
Consequently it’s important:
- Knowledge of the past, to be implemented concretely in Ebensee, and the cultivation of the culture of memory
- Knowledge of Wangen exemplary activities for the participation of young people in social and democratic structures
- Knowledge of the results of integration in Prato after the challenges of different waves of migration and the development of a multicultural city.
The second fundamental objective is to integrate young people from the twinned cities for an active participation in the twinning, involving them intensely in the preparation of their respective events and giving them the opportunity to contribute through their goals and ideas.
This is particularly important, because twinning allows young people to experience the objectives of European cooperation concretely in the field.
Therefore this project presents an excellent opportunity for young people to make new contacts and gain experience.
All three participating cities organize an event with the following central themes:
The Austrian city bases its contribution on the culture of memory, developed in relation to the concentration camp and the commemoration institute, founded as a result of this. In this case, in the light of what happened during the Second World War, the goal is to stimulate a discussion that demonstrates how fundamental mutual respect and the elimination of prejudices are.
The German city demonstrates its long experience in the field of integration and participation of young people in the political and social process of the city, for example through the Youth Community Council established for many years and youth centers which are partly self-managed.
Prato will present its activities with the aim of further developing a city suitable for young people, also showing how the industrial structure can be oriented towards the future. Furthermore, the Tuscan city is characterized by an unusual growth in population after the Second World War, which has led to a high level of integration. In this case, the interventions carried out above all in schools must be presented.
Furthermore, a project that UNICEF has developed in collaboration with the Municipal Police is going to be presented.
At the end of the series of events in Prato, a summit for returning the results will be formulated.